A small robin arrived yesterday. Luckily, he was orphaned in a late stage of his development.

Meanwhile our bear bear cubs are starting to get quite large. We have to be very careful around them now, because although they look cuddly, they can be very dangerous if provoked.

These two always stick together. Lucky is a bit of a loner, and more adventurous than the other two.

To all outward appearances, these cubs are maturing in a healthy way. It's fortunate that these bears were brought in (all three were brought in separately, by the way), otherwise they probably wouldn't have survived, due to bear cubs reliance on paternal care. However, if one thing is true of black bears, it is that they are survivors. While the populations of most large mammals in North America have fallen in very recent times, the black bear population has increased and their territory expanded. Adaptable and strong, there is reason to be optimistic about the survival of these cubs.