After perusing this blog, I concluded that we didn't have enough pictures of our winged visitors. This great horned owl has been here for quite some time, and is missing his left eye.

From these pictures it is difficult to see the distinguishing "horns."He doesn't like visitors very much, so we try not to bother him.

Although this barred owl has a spacious area all to his own in our largest aviary, he is unable to make use of it. If you look at the picture closely you will notice that his right wing is visibly absent.

The owl below wouldn't stay in the light long enough for a decent photo, but I did manage to catch him in flight. His eye injury doesn't seem to be hindering his flying ability, although we are still unsure if he will be able to hunt.

This eagle is probably about three years old. She suffered a collision (probably with a power line, or something like that) and damaged her wing. Right now she can't fly, but we are hopeful that she will recover.

These two barred owls came in as orphans, and we raised them to adulthood. Hopefully we can release them soon.

And last but not least, a sharp-shinned hawk, also initially orphaned.