Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Busy Weekend

Over the weekend we had four arrivals. This buteo hawk with a hurt chest was very photogenic.

It is important that we patch him up soon, so he can catch up with friends to migrate south. The picture below, taken from an environment Canada site, depicts the mass migration of broad-winged hawks every fall.

Pam guessed that this raccoon has distemper, a respiratory ailment. Barry noted when he first observed these pictures that the raccoon's eyes were looked sunken, indicating dehydration. It doesn't look good for this fellow.

This is a cedar waxwing. Right now she can't fly because of a hurt wing, but she should be fine eventually.

This bobcat was found orphaned on the side of the road in Sackville.

He's cute, but very wild. You wouldn't want to cuddle this little guy.