Friday, June 29, 2007

Starlings and a Raccoon Arrive

Although we already had 14 raccoon kits, we got a call yesterday that we couldn't turn down. Pictured below is our latest raccoon arrival. Pam remarked that this raccoon is particularly beautiful due to its aesthetically pleasing black pattern and head shape.

Could you say no to this face? We couldn't. Three more baby starlings arrived as well.

not unlike human children, really

When we walk into the room, often the starlings are squawking at a nearby caged grackle for food, presumably mistaking it for their mother. The grackle just squawks back of course, which makes for a noisy confusion.

Which brings us to five starlings, although two have been moved to an outdoor enclosure and will be released this week. With any luck, we will also be releasing several chipmunks this week.

Unfortunately the principal author of this blog will be out of town for a few weeks, so there won't be any updates until July 23. Embedded below is a slide show of arrivals in the month of June posted on YouTube using many of the photos posted in this blog.